Our 5 year journey

We're helping connect and celebrate professionals through events, travel, and workshops.

Our mission is to amplify gratitude through celebration, and we aim to cultivate a culture of celebration within our community in an Over The Top way.

Holiday Yacht Party

We launched our community in 2018 with a St. Patrick's Day yacht party across the Bay

Dinner Parties

Our community grew and we created spaces for intimate conversations and experiences between 2019 - 2020

global travel

2020 led us to rethink large events and transition into  intimate global experiences like Kenya, Japan, Spain and more

Health + Wellness

2021, health and wellness became a focus in our events as we prioritized  growth physically and mentally

Award Gala

We hosted our first awards gala in Vegas titled The Affair, celebrating amazing community members of that year.

5 Year Anniversary

In 2023, we celebrated our 5 year anniversary as a community with an all white yacht party.

Our Mission is...

to amplify gratitude through celebration!

We believe that there's no such thing as over appreciating a moment. We connect and celebrate professionals through group travel and events.

Every experience we curate aims to cultivate an Over The Top culture of celebration... the only way to celebrate.